Massachusetts Watershed Coalition

What's Happening at MWC?


Stormwater Problems

Impervious Surfaces - Double the Damages. Picture a thunderstorm on a hot ...


Green Towns

Sprawling towns across the state have witnessed rapid changes in their rura...


Community Guide to Growing Greener

The Community Guide to Growing Greener is a set of guidelines for developer...
Scott Hoarsely and attendees

Cost-Effective Community Stormwater Solutions

Polluted runoff is the leading cause for damages to streams, lakes and water supplies in New England. Low-Impact Development techniques and other cost-effective solutions can protect and restore the health of local waters. Town officials, highway departments, conservation commissions, planning boards, lake associations, watershed groups, home builders, engineers and other participants will learn practical guidance to help their communities remove more stormwater pollution for less cost. Read more...

Dirty Snow Brook

Project: Billion Gallons a Year (BGY) Campaign

The Billion Gallons a Year (BGY) campaign is helping people to keep their water healthy. Clean water is essential to our families, our neighborhoods and our communities. The value of clean water for water supplies, recreation and other everyday benefits is enormous. Read more...

draonfly 140w

Protecting Our Precious Water

This website is about the living waters we cherish and enjoy every day. It is also about the many forms of water we experience in our lives.  And it is about keeping those waters safe, healthy and attractive assets for cities and towns across Massachusetts.


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This Just In...

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Rain Gardens
Rain gardens attract birds and butterflies, whil...
Conservation Priorities
 The four conservation priorities presented i...
Housing Needs in the Wachusett Region
Another major goal of the Greenprint is to increas...
Community Services
MWC staff helps communities to make the most of wa...
Wachusett Greenprint
Are you concerned about sprawling housing developm...
Greenprint Proposals and Implementation
A variety of local, regional, and state-wide strat...
The Massachusetts Watershed Coalition works with c...
Rain Gardens
Rain gardens attract birds and butterflies, while ...
Saving Open Spaces
The important natural and cultural resources of ou...
Low Impact Design
Why Low Impact Design? (From Office of Coastal Zo...
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