Massachusetts Watershed Coalition


Cost-Effective Community Stormwater Solutions

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Scott Hoarsely and attendeesPolluted runoff is the leading cause for damages to streams, lakes and water supplies in New England. Low-Impact Development techniques and other cost-effective solutions can protect and restore the health of local waters. Town officials, highway departments, conservation commissions, planning boards, lake associations, watershed groups, home builders, engineers and other participants will learn practical guidance to help their communities remove more stormwater pollution for less cost.

Join us for this important event!

Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Higgins Laboratories
Worcester, MA 01609

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM (EST)



  • 5:00 p.m. Registration, refreshments & display tables
  • 5:30 p.m. Community Stormwater Solutions
    • Welcome & introduction - Linda Mack, President, MA Watershed Coalition
    • Overview of agenda & how stormwater costs effect local waters – Ed Himlan
  • 6:00 p.m. Cost-Effective Low-Impact Development (LID)
    • Scott Horsley of Horsley Witten Group discusses LID techniques that work with nature to manage stormwater and decrease the impacts of development on surface and groundwater.
  • 6:30 p.m. Monoosnoc Brook Renewal: Community Approach Case Study
    • Ed Himlan of Massachusetts Watershed Coalition discusses how pollutant load analysis can help target BMP options and how municipalities can better plan for cost-effective solutions.
  • 7:00 p.m. Break with refreshments & displays
  • 7:15 p.m. Stormwater Solutions Forum on Community Issues
    • EPA Stormwater Assistance – Anne Leiby, Manager Innovations & Sustainability Unit, EPA New England will discuss EPA assistance programs, such as Soak Up The Rain, Green Infrastructure practices, federal funding opportunities, and other support for local stormwater solutions.
    • BMPs Guide for cost-effective pollutant removal – Polaris Consultants and the MA Watershed Coalition are creating guidance that can help towns evaluate the costs of stormwater practices. Ed Himlan will discuss the development of this BMPs Cost Catalog.
    • Statewide Municipal Stormwater Coalition - Aubrey Strause, Verdant Water and Robin Craver, Charlton Town Administrator. Several groups of towns regulated under the USEPA MS4 Permit have formed coalitions to share efforts and create cost efficiences. In 2015, these groups decided to build on the collaborative actions in their respective regions. This Statewide Stormwater Coalition is now establishing objectives and creating a charter for decision-making. Robin and Aubrey will discuss the scope of this statewide coalition and how it seeks to strengthen partnerships with other groups.
    • Q&A and discussion of local assistance needs
  • 8:30 Adjourn




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