Massachusetts Watershed Coalition

Resource Guides

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Download links to publications, guides and other documents we have published on a range of subjects pertaining to effective watershed management. Please feel free to download these documents and put them to use in your community.

Massachusetts Watershed Coaltion


  • Community Stormwater Solutions BMPs Cost CatalogNEW!: Community Stormwater Solutions - BMPs Cost Catalog
    Created for cities and towns to provide practical guidance for selecting BMPs that can remove more pollutants for less cost. Provides planning level estimates for BMP costs per acre of impervious area treated and BMP pollutant removal costs per pound of Total Suspended Solids. Based on typical designs of various best management practices, applying full hydrologic evaluation of the BMP to ensure compliance with the Massachusetts Stormwater Standards. Download PDF file (6.2 MB)...
  • A Community Guide to Growing GreenerA Community Guide to Growing Greener
    A set of guidelines for developers, designers and community boards intended to advance greener growth and cleaner water in communities. Download PDF file..


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