Massachusetts Watershed Coalition


Join Us

The Massachusetts Watershed Coalition's efforts to preserve the wellbeing of watersheds throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts depends solely on the support of its members. By joining the Massachusetts Watershed Coalition today, you'll help us achieve even more lasting results for both the our watersheds and the people who enjoy them.

Watershed Guardian  (contribute at least $ 250.00 to be eligible for this membership)
River Protector  (contribute at least $ 100.00 to be eligible for this membership)
Stream Steward  (contribute at least $ 50.00 to be eligible for this membership)
Private Organizations  (contribute at least $ 50.00 to be eligible for this membership)
Municipal Boards  (contribute at least $ 50.00 to be eligible for this membership)
Brook Friend  (contribute at least $ 20.00 to be eligible for this membership)
Registered Member  
Free membership with access to basic member content and news via email.  
(Your initial membership fee will be processed once you complete the confirmation step. You will be able to cancel automatic renewals at any time by logging in to your account or contacting us.)


every       for    

Your recurring contribution will be processed automatically for the number of installments you specify. You can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time. You will receive an email receipt for each recurring contribution. The receipts will include a link you can use if you decide to modify or cancel your future contributions.

Organization Details

Street number, street name, apartment/unit/suite - OR P.O. box

Supplemental address info, e.g. c/o, department name, building name, etc.
Enter optional 'add-on' code after the dash ('plus 4' code for U.S. addresses).
Name and Address
First and last name will be shared with other visitors to the site.
Your state/province and country of residence will be shared with others so folks can find others in their community.
Join Email List

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Rain gardens attract birds and butterflies, while ...
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