Massachusetts Watershed Coalition


Wachusett Greenprint

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two_picsAre you concerned about sprawling housing developments, rapidly disappearing wildlife, and polluted watersheds in your town?

Wouldn’t you rather live in a community

  • cherished for its historic farms and landscapes;
  • prized for its abundant wildlife; and
  • surrounded by sparkling waters and productive forests?

Community surveys find overwhelming support for protection of the Wachusett region’s resources and unique “New England” character.  However, home building is altering the region’s special environmental qualities. Wachusett towns are concerned about growth that could bring unwelcome landscapes and ecological changes.

The influx of new residents to Wachusett communities can convert scenic fields and forests into large lot subdivisions and new shopping areas along major roads.  Wachusett watersheds, which are vital sources of water supplies to communities both within and outside the region, could also be negatively affected.

As the Wachusett Greenprint illustrates, new development will present challenges, but can also create unique opportunities to protect open spaces and to connect conservation lands. 
 Future development will determine
the health of the region's waters,
forests, farms, habitats and other
community assets.

The Greenprint identifies resources that people want to preserve, as well as locations suitable for housing development.  By showing where and how development should occur, this report can directly help to bring about the low impact techniques that prevent damages to land and water resources.

In addition, the Greenprint examines likely population increases and housing needs of the Wachusett region. Proposed conservation priorities will allow future growth to retain community character, protect local ecosystems and improve housing options for Wachusett residents.


What is the Wachusett Greenprint?

The Greenprint is a regional guide for land conservation and development in nine communities, prepared by the MWC in collaboration with individuals, municipal officials, community organizations and public agencies. This guidance is consistent with municipal plans and the state’s Sustainable Development Principles , and it can help communities work together to grow greener over the next five years.


How the Wachusett Greenprint Will Benefit Communities

The Greenprint identifies resources that people want to preserve, as well as locations suitable for housing development.  By showing where and how development should occur, this report can directly help to bring about the low impact techniques that prevent damages to land and water resources.

In addition, the Greenprint examines likely population increases and housing needs of the Wachusett region. Proposed conservation priorities will allow future growth to retain community character, protect local ecosystems and improve housing options for Wachusett residents. 

Greenprint information will help Wachusett communities to:

  • Implement their existing municipal plans
  • Develop bylaws that promote Low Impact Development
  • Maintain their unique community character
  • Reduce energy demands and future costs for municipal services
  • Use conservation design and affordable housing as tools for land protection

How the Greenprint was Created 

The MWC is particularly grateful for the exceptional contributions of the Wachusett Working Landscapes Partnership (WWLP) and the Greenprint Advisory Committee (GPAC) in creating the Wachusett Greenprint.

Members of the GPAC, which consisted of representatives from each town and regional, state and federal agencies, had the key role in creating the Greenprint and in providing guidance about important conservation and development concerns in Wachusett communities.

Other community input was obtained from surveys about conservation and development issues. MWC also conducted workshops and community meetings that provided additional advice for this report.  This advice and input were essential to the preparation of the community maps and the research conducted by MWC staff.

The full text of the Wachusett Greenprint is available for download here .

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