Massachusetts Watershed Coalition


Who We Are

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MWC 2012 Board of Directors

Linda Mack, President
CEO, HeronGrace Nonprofit Solutions, Amherst & Townsend, MA

Carolyn Ness, Treasurer
Selectboard, Deerfield, MA

Suzanne LePage, Secretary
Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Peter Coffin
Blackstone River Coalition Coordinator

Mike Cole
ABR Environmental Consultants, Greenfield MA

Glenn E Krevosky
EBT Environmental Consultants, Inc, Oxford, MA

Jason Lederer
Director of Projects, Charles River Conservancy, Cambridge, MA

Janet Morrison
Executive Director, North County Land Trust, Inc., Fitchburg, MA

Jeff Richards
Landscape Architect, Berlin, MA

Virginia Scarlet
Wetlands Scientist, Spencer, MA


Coalition Staff

Ed Himlan is the Executive Director. His thirty years of experience includes his thirteen year tenure as the Executive Director of the Nashua River Watershed Association (NRWA). Ed has expertise in watershed planning, project management, local/state/federal regulations, community outreach, and the preparation of reports, manuals and public presentations.

Ed has a Master's Degree in Regional Planning from the University of Massachusetts. He has served on diverse federal, state, and regional advisory committees, and he is active with many local organizations including the Leominster Land Trust, Wachusett Working Landscapes Partnership, Worcester County Conservation District, and Lake Samoset Association.

Debbie Shriver is the Project Coordinator and GIS Specialist. She assists community groups, municipal officials, state and federal agencies with natural resources management, low impact development, open space protection and community outreach. She also works with state and federal agency staffs to arrange workshops, prepare newsletters, manage a listserv and respond to information requests from municipal boards, landowners, community groups, local businesses and residents.

Debbie has a M.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a specialty in Watershed Science and Management, and a Master's degree in City and Regional Planning from the Illinois Institute of Technology. Debbie is active on the boards of Pocumtuck Stewards of the Land, the Academy at Charlemont, and the Four Rivers Educational Foundation.


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